Christmas spice mix venison, ca. 50g, metal tin with window with label, item no: 01437

Ingredients: Christmas spice mix venison: Rock salt, coriander, tomatoes, lemon peel, pepper, onions, paprika, allspice, garlic, juniper berries, bay leaves, thyme, rosemary, basil, savory, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, mace blossom, lavender.

Minimum order
200 pcs.

Best before
approx. 24 months if stored properly

Net weight
ca. 50 g

Packaging type
metal tin with window

ca 60 x 50 mm

Advertising space
ca. 196 x 28 mm

Delivery time
2-3 weeks after print approval + delivery

Branding type
Digital printing

Item number